• Entertainment


In The Middle Of Nowhere


In various regions of Japan, mysterious and isolated houses can be found, alarmingly far from nearby towns.

Who lives in these homes?
What prompted them to adopt such a solitary way of life?

A team embarks on a journey to these locations, using satellite photographs to uncover clues. They gather information from locals to thoroughly investigate the reality of these houses and the lives of the individuals residing in these remote areas.

The MC George Tokoro and panellist Hayashi Osamu reflect on these residents’ lives and delve into the complexities and enrichment of life in the middle of nowhere.





Production Year : 2018- on going


George Tokoro, Osamu Hayashi


Entertainment, Family, Adventure


60min x 230 episodes / 90min x 2 episode / 120min x 18 episodes / 150min x 7 episodes / 180min x 4 episodes