• Entertainment


Who is the Real Celebrity?

Ⓒ ABC Japan

The show has run successfully for more than 10 years in Japan!!

Celebrities should be able to spot the difference because they know what is top-notch. The concept of this show is to detect fake celebrities by quizzing them and rank first-class, second-class, or lower.
Can you recognize the difference between a $10,000 valued vintage wine and a cheap wine from a supermarket?  How about the difference between the food from a first-class restaurant and frozen food from a convenience store costing only a few hundred yen?  It is the extremely rigorous race that determines whether you can survive in the entertainment industry!
Only those who can tell the real thing can show off their talent as a REAL celebrity!!!





Production Year : 2005 - on going


Masatoshi Hamada


Quiz Show, Celebrity


180min X 50+ episodes